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How Corruption Prevention Measures at KFTD Can Help Maintain Company Integrity

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PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group maintains its integrity by employing excellent corruption and bribery prevention measures. Adequate anti-corruption prevention reflects good corporate governance (GCG) practices as well. In KFTD, two major detection and prevention systems help the company fight against corruption and bribery.

Whistle Blowing System

The Whistle Blowing System (WBS) allows individuals to file anonymous reports when they bear witness to suspicious activities within KFTD that may indicate or lead to either bribery or corruption, along with adequate evidence to support the allegation. Following the report, a Super Admin will assign a team to investigate the allegation based on the evidence and witnesses’ accounts.

The suspect will be given a chance to refute the allegations by providing counter-evidence supporting them. After that, the investigation team will decide whether the suspect is guilty. If proven innocent, the case is dismissed, and the suspect’s honor & reputation would be restored. If proven guilty, the suspect will be sanctioned according to the degree of their offense. In the case of bribery or corruption, the company will impose zero tolerance towards the suspect.

Guidelines for Receiving and Giving Gratuities

The Guidelines for Receiving and Giving Gratuities (Pedoman Pengelolaan Penerimaan dan Pemberian Gratifikasi) ensure that employees would not receive inappropriate gratuities while working under KFTD. According to the guideline, gratuities are divided into objects (gifts/merchandise) and entertainment (such as wedding invitations).

Gratuities—given or received—must be reported to the corresponding unit (Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi) if their value surpasses a certain threshold. The report will be followed by a string of investigations to decide whether the gratuities must be returned. It’s worth noting that permissible gratuities such as family gifts, return of investment (ROI), and seminar kits don’t have to be reported, among others.

Implementing the two systems mentioned above and guidelines helps KFTD maintain its company integrity.